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Germany office registered in 2008, TÜV Certificated service quality since 2012!
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Germany office registered in 2008, TÜV Certificated service quality since 2012!
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Information Center Herrenstraße 14 D-76437 Rastatt

Plastic Surgery Treatment

Body Surgery

Aesthetic Treatments

Plastic Surgery Treatment Frequently Asked Questions

Four central areas comprise the specialty Plastic & Aesthetic Surgery. These are the pillars of this specialty:

  • Reconstructive surgery
  • Hand Surgery
  • Burns Surgery
  • Aesthetic Surgery


This field of work undertakes plastic operations to correct certain parts of the body that require reconstruction, for example. This includes anomalies caused by genetic defects, accidents or diseases.

This is the broad field of plastic surgery. Cosmetic operations are performed at the request of the patient. The appearance should be subjectively optimized. Symmetry or proportion should be restored. The patient should be given a feeling of self-confidence and beauty. This includes tightening of the body or face (e.g. eyelid correction, face lift, removal of excess skin on the abdomen or liposuction) as well as non-invasive procedures such as Botox treatment or wrinkle injection with fillers and procedures to improve the appearance of the skin.

After a six-year course of study in human medicine, prospective plastic surgeons undergo training to become specialists in plastic surgery. This comprises basic training and a subsequent specialisation phase.