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Germany office registered in 2008, TÜV Certificated service quality since 2012!
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Germany office registered in 2008, TÜV Certificated service quality since 2012!
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Information Center Herrenstraße 14 D-76437 Rastatt

Dental Bridge

With increasing age or after an illness/stress or symptoms/hormone changes, tooth loss often occurs. This impairs self-confidence to a great extent, especially when talking to the other person. It is not uncommon for lack of dental aesthetics to lead to problems in everyday life. A bridge is a comfortable solution to close tooth gaps. The gap-limiting teeth are crowned, and a bridge element (artificial tooth) is inserted and fixed in the middle. This fixed prosthesis is firmly cemented in place and cannot be removed. It should be remembered that dental bridges are attached to the adjacent teeth (surrounding teeth act as pillars in a bridge), and these supporting teeth must also be ground down. Therefore, the adjacent teeth must not be wobbly or unhealthy. Otherwise, the risk of falling out is high.

On the other hand, root-treated teeth can also serve as pillars if they are stable enough. A combination of implants and bridges is also possible. A distinction is made between ceramic veneered bridges with a gold framework and all-ceramic bridges for the highest esthetic demands.
A zirconium bridge (made of zirconium oxide) serves as a material for esthetics, durability, and compatibility. All-ceramic bridges based on a zirconium oxide ceramic framework (highly stable, biocompatible) are also referred to as “white gold”, because zirconium oxide ceramics are genuine high-performance ceramics. Its white color and translucency ensure perfect, attractive aesthetics. Its stability, resilience, and good compatibility (biocompatibility) make it indispensable for long-term use in dentistry.

Our dentist can have a thorough treatment and cost plan prepared for you on-site after a detailed preliminary examination. X-rays are taken and the condition of your remaining teeth is checked. This provides information as to whether the remaining teeth can act as pillars.

Dental Bridge Cost in Turkey

Dental Bridge
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