Information Center Herrenstraße 14 D-76437 Rastatt
[email protected]
Germany office registered in 2008, TÜV Certificated service quality since 2012!
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Germany office registered in 2008, TÜV Certificated service quality since 2012!
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Information Center Herrenstraße 14 D-76437 Rastatt

Plastic Surgery Requirements

Requirements for plastic surgery under general anesthetic

  • Must be at least 18 years old
  • 2 weeks before the surgery date, do not take any antibiotics or blood-thinning drugs, e.g., Aspirin
  • Minimize the consumption of alcohol and tobacco for the last 2 weeks before the surgery date
  • No infections on the day of surgery, e.g., cold, cough, flu, sore throat, or herpes
  • If you have lung disease, please provide a current radiograph of your lungs and the consent for an operation to be carried out from your specialist doctor.
  • For patients undergoing a current psychiatric treatment, a surgical clearance certificate from your doctor is required

Please do not take any blood-thinning medication (e.g., aspirin.) 2 weeks before and after surgery – this applies to ALL OPERATIONS!!!
For a face-lift, it is crucial to quit smoking 6 weeks before the operation. Otherwise, your skin may not be operated on.
With face-lifting, sometimes, it can cause discoloration in the facial area. You only receive a small plaster after the operation because the doctor has only used cosmetic stitches.
With face-lifting in men, the sideburns area can change because of the position of the stitches.
With rhinoplasty, it can cause discoloration in the cheeks or eye areas. You will be discharged from the clinic without a splint or dressing.
It takes about 8-12 weeks with breast implants until the tissue has recovered and the breasts find their actual form. This also applies to breast reductions and lifts. The first 2 weeks after surgery may be painful. A Pulling in of the breast can last up to 6-8 weeks.
24 hours before surgery, you must stop smoking. If you are unable to do so, please try to reduce your smoking to a minimum. Nicotine delays the healing process and also increases the risk of infection!
On the day of your treatment, please do not drink beverages containing caffeine. These drinks may increase sensitivity and trigger increased bleeding during surgery.

  • Please do not take any blood-thinning medication (e.g., aspirin.) 2 weeks before and after surgery – this applies to ALL OPERATIONS!!!
  • For a face-lift, it is crucial that you stop smoking 6 weeks before the operation. Otherwise, your skin may not be tautened.
  • With face-lifting, sometimes, it can cause discoloration in the facial area. You only receive a small plaster after the operation because the doctor has only used cosmetic stitches.
  • With rhinoplasty, it can cause discoloration in the cheeks or eye areas. You will be discharged from the clinic without a splint or dressing.
  • It takes about 8-12 weeks with breast implants until the tissue has recovered and the breasts find their actual form. This also applies to breast reductions and lifts.
  • The first 2 weeks after surgery may be painful. A Pulling in of the breast can last up to 6-8 weeks.
  • 24 hours before surgery, you must stop smoking. If you are unable to do so, please try to reduce your smoking to a minimum. Nicotine delays the healing process and also increases the risk of infection!
  • On the day of your treatment, please do not drink beverages containing caffeine. These drinks may increase sensitivity and trigger increased bleeding during surgery.