Information Center Herrenstraße 14 D-76437 Rastatt
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Germany office registered in 2008, TÜV Certificated service quality since 2012!
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Germany office registered in 2008, TÜV Certificated service quality since 2012!
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Information Center Herrenstraße 14 D-76437 Rastatt

Hair Transplant Methods

Hair transplantation consists of 3 essential steps. All steps are crucial for a natural appearance and should only be performed by experienced doctors.

Below you will find information on each treatment step.


The channel opening is the most decisive step for a natural appearance. This opening only takes place after the complete removal of the grafts. At this point, the exact number of grafts removed is known. With this knowledge, the new channels are opened, not too many and not too few. This step requires that only a highly concentrated, specially trained doctor opens the canals and does so under complete concentration. The finer the channel opening, the denser the result. Furthermore, the direction in which the channels are opened determines the growth direction of the implanted hair.


The art of graft planting is not so much the planting itself, since the direction of growth and placement were already determined by the preceding steps, but rather the distribution of the various grafts. Since each graft is different (1-, 2- and 3-hair roots), it must be considered zone how much density is desired in which spot. Accordingly, the grafts must be placed in the correct position. We only use highly qualified physicians who can accurately assess whether the grafts can be used and are healthy.