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Germany office registered in 2008, TÜV Certificated service quality since 2012!
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Information Center Herrenstraße 14 D-76437 Rastatt

Open Technique Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty Turkey

The “open technique” for rhinoplasty

A nose can have many flaws from the perspective of its owner. It can be too big, too small, crooked, with or without humps or many more. And because it sits centrally in the face, it falls into the eyes of its owner every time he looks in the mirror and possibly gives negative feedback in the worst case. Fortunately, the field of rhinoplasty has become much more professional in recent years. Our surgeons in Istanbul offer a solution for almost every blemish in the nose area. The owner’s self-confidence is strengthened if the correction is carried out as desired – which is guaranteed today in almost every case.

More self-confidence through a nose correction

A surgical procedure on the nose can correct the shape, height, width and length of the nose. As a rule, nose correction in our clinic in Istanbul can be prepared for an operation of one to three hours. However, it can also happen that the operation takes longer. This depends on the complexity of the procedure.

Many surgeons rely on the so-called “open rhinoplasty”. If the shape of the nose is to be changed, the skin and mucous membranes are temporarily detached from the cartilage and bone framework. They make a small incision between the nostrils. At this point, the tip of the nose is “unfolded”. The surgical field is open in front of the surgeon and he can perform the operation. Using special mini instruments such as hammer, chisel or scalpel, it is easy for the surgeon to remove the excess bone and cartilage from a hump nose and make the nose narrower.

After modelling the cartilage, the mucous membranes are sutured again with fine and self-dissolving sutures. In addition, the inner nasal passages are splinted with soft nasal tamponades or ointment gauze. The nasal skin is modelled with fine strips of plaster and the shape of the nose is supported by a splint made of plastic or plaster. In our clinics in Istanbul, the “open technique” has been avoided as far as possible for some time now, as the healing process can be more complicated and prolonged.

Open Technique Rhinoplasty

The post-operative treatment according to the “open” technique

Immediately after the procedure, pain in the wound area, headaches and clearly visible swelling and bruising in the cheek and lower eyelid area are to be expected with the “open technique”. Both will disappear, but may take longer. How long tampons are required in the nose depends on the extent of the intervention in the area of the nasal septum.

After the operation, the patient should get up as soon as possible. The faster you move, the faster your circulation gets going again. However, the patient should also be aware that he or she will wear a bandage for three weeks and will only be “socially acceptable” to a limited extent.

Nose surgery before and after the operation

Before the operation, the patient undergoes an examination at our clinic in Istanbul, including blood sampling, ECG examination and analysis of his or her health condition. The procedure

itself usually takes about three to four hours. It is performed under general anesthesia. You should allow for one overnight stay for the hospital stay. Only a few days after the procedure, the patient can resume normal everyday activities. However, the scars should not be exposed to intensive sun or solarium radiation for two to three months.

Rhinoplasty Process

Duration of treatment

3-4 Hours



Stay in Istanbul

7 Days

Socially acceptable

7-8 Days

Rhinoplasty Cost in Turkey

Experience for 30 years
Professor for Plastic Surgery
Rhinoplasty: open operation technique
Experience for 17 years
Specialist for Plastic surgery
Rhinoplasty: open operation technique
All inclusive package
  • Airfare (flight costs) up to 150€ included
  • 6 nights in a 5-star hotel in Istanbul
  • Costs for laboratory, medication and equipment
  • Pre/post-operative tests
  • All-round VIP transfer
  • Park & Fly
  • Free accommodation for your companion
  • Credit / Debit cards accepted